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Utrecht - Dutch Block

Dutch Block end up doing only in the province of Utrecht with. The party has in the city of Utrecht a council office and home. An attempt to participate in Friesland will play on a shortage of supportive statements. Utrecht is absolutely no shortage, rather the opposite; the party has no less than thirty candidates on the list. Sixteen of them are known blockers and fourteen are newcomer. What is striking is that some veterans missing. There are ten women on the list, which is remarkably similar to a far-right party, opposite twenty men. The average age of the candidates is about 48 which is quite old. The latest is 20 in the oudste 76. There are only three under thirty, eight between thirty and forty, eight between forty and fifty and eleven older. Most candidates, namely 23, come from the city of Utrecht, then there are four from Soesterberg, two from Baarn and one from Veenoord. Eight of the blockers were previously active in the CD and of these eight, four were active before the old Centrumpartij.

The list is as always led by Willem Theodorus Emile (Wim) Vreeswijk (1950). Vreeswijk starts its activities in the Centre Party in 1981. Hij maakt zeer snel carrière binnen de partij. Wanneer de Centrumpartij in 1984 voor het eerst zetels in een gemeenteraad haalt (twee zetels in Almere) Vreeswijk takes a seat on the board. In 1986 Vreeswijk redials, maar dan als raadslid in zijn echte woonplaats Utrecht. Hij doet pogingen om Janmaat, die geroyeerd is en inmiddels de CD heeft opgericht, weer bij de partij te krijgen. Hiertoe organiseert hij onder andere een fusie-vergadering in Kedichem in 1986. After this meeting Vreeswijk by the Centre Party disbarred. Hij wordt in 1988 lid van de CD en wordt al snel de tweede man achter Janmaat. In 1990 wordt hij in Utrecht herkozen voor de CD en een jaar later wordt hij ook gekozen tot Provinciale Statenlid.

Wim Vreeswijk (links), with VB chairman Frank van Hecke on a demonstration against a mosque in Antwerp 1997.

In 1992 wordt het Nederlands Blok opgericht in een poging om alle extreem-rechtse partijen in Nederland te verenigen. Vreeswijk is closely involved in the creation, maar blijft lid van de CD. Janmaat does not agree with this dual function and expels Vreeswijk. He is trying to come back from a lawsuit, but that he will lose. Then he takes Dutch Block slowly but surely. In 1994 wordt hij voorzitter en benoemt zijn vrouw als secretaris. The rest of the board members are eliminated and 1998 zijn beide echtlieden de enige bestuurders.

After this turn the Block is a personal project of him, where he was the absolute ruler. This means that the party practically alone in his hometown of Utrecht has some supporters. Yet Vreeswijk know since this time supported by the Vlaams Blok, who see in him a useful contact utterly unclear reasons. In 1996 mag hij een Vlaams Blok-bijeenkomst zelfs op video toespreken. In 1998 Vreeswijk is for the third time in the Utrecht council elected.

Is in second place Fear Wijks woman Irene Barbara Vreeswijk-Mullaert (1952). She also has been active in the early eighties for the Center Party and makes her husband switched to CD. In 1993 volgt zij haar man wederom naar het Nederlands Blok en wordt een jaar later benoemd tot secretaris.

In recent years trying to win Dutch block in some cities souls by using the foundations Appeal Fight Crime (ABC) en Utrechts Herstel tendentieuze enquêtes te verspreiden. In deze enquêtes worden pogingen gedaan om criminaliteit en gevoelens van onveiligheid aan de aanwezigheid van migranten te koppelen. Irene Vreeswijk heeft de ‘onderzoeksleiding’ van deze enquêtes.

Wim Vreeswijk (with glasses) Irene and Barbara Vreeswijk-Mullaert and John Morren (bottom right) a VB meeting

Is in third place John Morren (1955). Morren has more than fifteen years a familiar face in the far-right circuit. Hij begon zijn carrière omstreeks 1983 in the neo-Nazi circles of JFN and the Viking Youth Netherlands. He also maintained very good relations with the widow of Rost Tonningen. At that time he regularly gives odd jobs at the Centre Party and he visits a meeting every now and then. Thus, for example, in Morren 1986 aanwezig bij de roemruchte vergadering in Kedichem. Medio jaren tachtig kiest hij voor de partijpolitiek en wordt actief lid van de CD. Hij gooit hoge ogen en bekleedt een aantal bestuursfuncties. Ook staat hij regelmatig op kieslijsten van de partij. After Vreeswijk 1992 by Janmaat the CD has worked Morren is the main man in Utrecht. Like many CD'ers also knows Morren for some salt in the porridge care. In 1993 klaagt zijn Poolse buurvrouw over geluidsoverlast. Morren responds by her house for 1300 gulden schade aan te richten met een honkbalknuppel. Hij wordt hiervoor veroordeeld, maar bedreigt dezelfde vrouw twee jaar later nogmaals, wat weer tot een veroordeling leidt.

In 1994 is hij lijsttrekker bij de verkiezingen en wordt hij met twee andere CD’ers gekozen in de gemeenteraad. Lang blijft hij niet voor de CD in de raad zitten, want na zes maanden stapt hij over naar het Nederlands Blok. Janmaat is so angry that he publishes in the membership magazine of the CD phone numbers Morren at home and at work with a call to call him. In 1998 he is not re-elected to the city council.

Four other candidates still slightly protruding above ground level are Henny Dummer from Soesterberg and Cor Delil, Ms. J. Hoogvliet and Jan Hoek, all three from Utrecht.

Hendrikus Johannes Getruidus (Henny) Stupid (1965) the honor falls to turn from June 1998 it to any board member of Dutch Block besides the couple Vreeswijk. He is the designer of the rarely appearing Block magazine 'Noorderlicht'.

Cor J. Delil (1923) was in 1994 en 1998 although candidate for the Block. In 1990 en 1991 stond hij op kandidatenlijsten van de CD.

Ms. Hoogvliet full name J.Ch. Gaasbeek-Hoogvliet (1924) and was already three times previously candidate for the Block and 1991 once for the CD.

Jac. C. Hoek (1924) loopt al heel wat jaartjes rond in extreem-rechtse kringen. He is seven times candidate, in 1986 for the old Centrumpartij, vanaf 1990 enkele malen voor de CD en vanaf 1995 een paar maal voor het Nederlands Blok.

In addition, still have three members of the family Van Basten op de lijst: a father and two sons. Vreeswijk tried to make beautiful ornamental by reporting that it is Basten Marco van family. Inquiry by a journalist but learned that it is a second cousin and his sons who are totally unfamiliar with Marco van Basten.

The Fans
Most candidates also immediately deploy a supporting signature for the party. Because seven of them not doing so should make some extra blockers going to the town hall. This provides for Vreeswijk and his associates also no problems and finally there are 39 signatures to the list.

Of the sixteen handtekeningzetters who are not candidates were eight already known. Twelve come out of the city of Utrecht, two from Soesterberg, one from Baarn and one from Soest. Because there is hardly known right-wing extremists in the lists, the idea of ​​recruitment practices surfaced. However, it seems unlikely that even the candidates' purchased’ names will shine. When handtekeningzetters also find no reason that gives a presumption to recruitment practices. Possibly Vreeswijk aware known figures of the barred lists to give his party a neater image. He really wants to achieve that his party as a decent right party seen then he will still have a lot more change. On the rejected list in Friesland or are all kinds of controversial figures and biased surveys that the party spreads in recent years in various cities has continued to confirm the far-right image of the party again and again.

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