FAR-RIGHT EXTREMISM IN EUROPEThe year 2020 will forever be marred by the global pandemic which spread around the world, locking us in our homes, hiding our faces behind masks and tragically taking hundreds of thousands of lives. As we enter 2021 the death toll continues to rise though the arrival of numerous vaccines has provided a much needed glimmer of hope. However, while a thin shard of light has begun to lift the seemingly unending darkness of last year, the ramifications of the pandemic will continue to be felt for years to come; not least the impending economic crisis set to grip the world economy. Yet, it has by no means been all bad news. In the face of such tragedy we have seen communities come together, neighbours and strangers helping one another and examples of heart-breaking sacrifice, love and hope.
Blz 99:
Activist far rights group are small, badly organised and infighting. Main typology of action is to try and attract (media) attention by organising provocative actions (tearing pages out the Quran, grilling pig meat in front of a mosque, occupying roof tops of mosques or refugee centers) with small numbers of activists.
Next to activist groups we see online appearance, internationalisation and radicalisation of larger groups of (mainly young, sometimes very young) extreme right activist.
Last, there is the Political party Forum voor Democratie (FvD, Democratic Forum) with two members in Parliament. FvD, and more specific party leader Thierry Baudet and his trustees, associate themselves on frequent occasions with right extremist ideology and right extremist people.