Europe Goes Right off?
For the European elections 22 May 2014 have some candidates and parties registered with a right to extreme right-wing. The European Union is not popular in these circles, partly because of nationalist sentiments, but also from substantiated arguments and democratic considerations. It is actually contradictory to imagine eligible for a body that you want to abolish. Even stranger, it is when you get a well-paid job accepts an institute that your own party in the campaign as money wasters has depicted. Why pay an MEP from the PVV fees are not reflected in the European greenhouse? In this section, an election survey, We fly at a glance along some notable candidates and parties.
Party for Freedom (PVV)
The PVV is from the Netherlands, the only extreme-right party that makes a serious chance at many seats. In 2009 acquired the party 5 the 25Nederlandse seats. The current PVV party in Europe has been torn apart and disintegrated, it will not harm the average PVV voters. Who wants to no good governance in Europe, but a reduction of European power. There are actually very few surprises on the list of candidates of the Freedom Party. The dissident MEPs naturally deleted.

Only the candidacy of Professor Hans Jansen (1942) Amsterdam is worth mentioning. Jansen circled over the past few years as a semi-independent Arabist around the PVV. This candidacy, he became a full PVV'er. Jansen did have more extreme right contacts in the recent past. He was in November 2006 speaker at a congress of the extreme right-wing organizations, Delta Foundation and Identity in Belgium. All other speakers were leading figures from the extreme right field as Alain de Benoist Grece. Delta Foundation with its magazine TeKoS intellectual backbone of the new right in Flanders.
Several years before Professor Jansen speaker at a debate in Rotterdam. There he argued with a broad panel of Labour to Filip Vlaams Belang Winter on the utopia of the multicultural society. Winter hammered on the European Leitkultur that would be better than the culture of migrants. In the debate he gets support from Hans Jansen herein imposed: “Western culture is currently superior to all other cultures, which is the most high quality, the most efficient”. This meeting of like-minded people can be continued soon in the European Parliament where the PVV wants to work closely with all kinds of extreme right-wing parties such as the Vlaams Belang, and also with the radical National Front in France.
Anti US(en) Party

We wrote before about this party that was established initially by the right-wing extremist Wim Vreeswijk, but turned away from him. Fear Wijks former co-founder Jack Rijnders (1946) from Nieuwegein is once again a candidate. After we called him earlier this year in an article on the local elections he sent an indignant email to Kafka he argues against discrimination and fascism and that is why he broke with Vreeswijk. Why the party still cooperates with the known right-wing extremist Jan Heitmeier (1950) Amstelveen is the question. Heitmeier stems from the Radical Party CP'86 and today especially with the action group Defense Language in the weather. In 2012 he spoke to a gathering of the far-right activist group Outpost Hague to the subject language. He also participated in a Voorpost action at the embassy in South Africa to show solidarity with the white population. Jan Heitmeier supports the Anti EUro Party now in the election participation, but is not itself a candidate. Two other people Taalverdediging put a signature support. It is Heitmeiers sister Mieke Heitmeier (1956) Amstelveen and Secretary Tom Hoevers (1931) Amsterdam-Noord.
Finally supporter of Anti EUro Party we French Bergwerf (1942) from Drenthe Beilen still call. He was after the unsuccessful election participation of the European Anti-Party 2012 equally involved in a far-right party that called New People's Party Netherlands, but only seemed to have a digital existence.
Article 50

Also Article 50 is a party that opposes the EU and all previously discussed on this website. At the municipal elections in March 2014 surfaced several radical figures in right-wing extremist backgrounds. Party leader Daniel van der Stoep (1980) The Hague itself from the Freedom Party of Geert Wilders came and MEP. As you would expect, there are still some former PVV MPs candidate in Article 50. For example Erna Carpal (1967) from The Hague and the only councilor Article 50: Gerton of Unnik (1966) Weesp. Of Unnik stepped on as parliamentarian for the PVV in England after that fraction 2012 fell apart. He was in 2012 equally active in the Libertarian Party as a candidate in the parliamentary elections. Article 50 it gets in this election more support from people who come from the Libertarian Party. Gerton of Unnik wrote that he end 2012 wanted to go to a seminar of the far-right Vlaams Belang Europe.
Bergen op Zoom is Article 50-candidate Boy Meetelen (1980). He was there in March still a candidate for the local list Linssen, but was not elected councilor. Facebook From Meetelen showed a broadly where his political affiliations. He liket not just the PVV and international anti-Islam groups, but also choose the rightwing extremist group Identitair Resistance. Boy Meetelen is facebook friend with known right-wing extremist Paul Peters, which leads Identitair Resistance. There are more right-wing activists in his friends list.
IQ the Rights Obligations-Party
Despite its name, the party leader of a sole listing of the IQ party not very smart about. Delft Günther Niessen (1939) is no known right-wing extremist, but apparently has developed ideas that have been popular in this corner. Please note in the air time for political parties, he comes out of the closet. He posits that the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory “multimiljardairs” of the Jewish “Ashkenazi group” (Asjkenazim) Fifty years ago grip “strong European peoples” wanted to get by “birth strong immigrant groups enter pilots”. According Niessen she wanted “Using the brown people as displacement weapons”. On the party's website you can find more information. There is fashionable hooked on the PVV slogan “more or less” with the following text: <

Want more or less Dutch? IQ Party for Dutch. For more Dutch with normal IQ. Mentally weak, but strong birth immigrants are a major problem. Immigrant communities, some of them also with a strong aggression- and robber-profile, thighs out like oil slicks and pull the average IQ in the land down”.
You would not expect a party name as IQ party just hides an openly racist message. The party believes that immigrants have a low IQ and thus pose a threat to Dutch that would have a high IQ.
Women Party
The only man on the candidate of the Progressive Women's Party Khalid Ahmed Chaudry (1952) The Hague. He is also the only one who seems to have a right-wing background. In 2006 he was twice a candidate in elections. First for the LPF cleavage Our Hague city council, and later for the Party for the Netherlands at the parliamentary elections. Who was party to the Netherlands when led by Hilbrand Nawijn. In those years profiled Nawijn with solid right decisions and a warm collaboration with Vlaams Belang Filip Winter.
The Greens

The profile of the environmental party, the Greens is not always clear. The little game has a left image and is often worked with the Green. Yet within the party people who are active do not feel comfortable under the umbrella term “links”. In the nineties, the Greens were even talks with some far-right splinter factions (Dutch Christian Democrats and Party for Environment and Law) cooperation. In 2001 stepped over a third of the members over to the Green and was a merger of the job.
A typical representative of the ambiguity is the current candidate Gerben Uunk (1965) Amsterdam and Purmerend. Today he lives in the western Irish town of Ennis. Uunk was active in the nineties with the Greens and the contentious environment Eco game 2000. At Eco 2000 surfaced time figures that came from extreme right-wing parties, this resulted in protests from anti-fascist groups. In 2002 Gerben Uunk chose Pim Fortuyn. Uunk was a candidate for the LPF in the parliamentary elections and coordinator for the LPF District Amsterdam. If the radical Fortuynisten “Army Against Left” in 2002 an action to do the organizing Bijlmerbajes Gerben Uunk also note.
Bas Belder (1946) has long been a major force within the SGP and is in second place on the list combined with the Christian Union for Europe. He has since 1999 MEP. In 2009 Belder chooses to enter into a cooperation group which are also the extreme right-wing separatist party Lega Nord in Italy is. Apparently they are acceptable to the SGP as a partner. In May 2012 visit Bas Belder a book launch of the controversial duo Sam and Wim van Rooy. After critical writings about Islam, they have been criticized time Europe. Sam van Rooy is 2011 member of the parliamentary group of the PVV. He comes negative headlines after he captures video in a web video random Muslim women and for “year” part. He could pack his bags, but soon got a job in the research department of the Vlaams Belang. At the book launch visiting Bas Belder are also prominent figures of the Vlaams Belang present, as Filip de Winter. After all it is a book which has written their own party employee. The European PVV MPs from the party.