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Committee No to Turkey

In March of this year saw a new extreme right initiative light, the committee “No to Turkey”. The pace lately become established new far-right splinter that is not really surprising. Yet this club deserves a little more attention, mainly due to the unexpected collaborating groups.

Affiche bjeenkomst comité Nee tegen Turkije
Poster bjeenkomst Committee No to Turkey

The Committee “No To Turkey” directed against Turkey's accession to the European Union. There, according to the committee for three reasons: “First, Turkey has historical and cultural ties with any other Western European countries. Second, it must be consulted in our view to a decision if the Dutch population. Finally, we are not talking about the violation of human rights, and the role of the military in Turkey.”

The initiative to establish the committee is in Flanders, the action group Outpost. In the Netherlands, the committee will have its own department. The participating organizations in the Netherlands, the National Movement, Right young and the Foundation to promote the Freedom of Expression (SVVM). The collaboration between Young and the Right SVVM is obvious, they have the same background. Young right is the youth organization of the New Right and runs tight leash party leader Michiel Smit. The SVVM about the Groninger Jan Landman (1954), who also is running for the New Right. Landman is also long been an active Internet extremist. Under the pseudonym “Engrave” he is on a number of extreme right-wing forums active and he also Internet sites the administrator Acquittal and Digger Dammer. Landman began as an active member of the LPF, but has now developed into a right-wing extremist. So he posted recently, after three Moroccans were shot by a Skinhead, a message on the Internet in which he expressed his homage to the shooter. He also warned that back shot is when the government “Cockroaches” not removed from Netherlands.

Michiel Smit te gast bij Filip de Winter
Michiel Smit hosted by Filip de Winter

Right that Young and Jan Landman cooperate with Flemish right-wing extremists is also nothing new. Party leader of the New Right Michiel Smit prides himself on his visits to the Vlaams Blok and last year was planning to attend a demonstration of the very radical right-wing Flemish Youth Mechelen (the demonstration was canceled) and downright Nazi activist group Walloon Nation. Also Jan Landman spoke positively of the Vlaams Blok. A collaboration with Outpost admittedly goes a step further than the Vlaams Blok, but is in line with expectations.

Nationale Beweging

Tim Mudde
Tim Mudde

The surprise in this partnership is the third organization, the National Movement (NB). The NB was invented by Tim Mudde and Michel Hubert. These two activists, with a long record of service, are considerably more radical than Michiel Smit and consorts. Michel Hubert and Tim Mudde have their main roots lie in the forbidden CP'86. Then they were active for some time Outpost Netherlands, to finally decide that there is an extreme right-wing organization from the base is needed in Netherlands. Michel Hubert tried to put it on its feet in the Eindhoven region and Mudde tried the same in the Leiden. These efforts did not yield any surprising results to date. Hubert was able to make some success by cracking a barracks, where for more than two years of extreme right-wing concerts and gatherings were organized. Mudde tried in Leiden and environment to set up a network, but that has never progressed beyond an exaggerated friends. More success Mudde has incidentally with his band Brigade M, under Nazi Skinheads has a reasonable cult.

50.000 Heroes

Michel Hubert
Michel Hubert

What is so remarkable about the collaboration, that the New Right lately trying to do for less radical to attract a wider audience. By precisely choose from the National Movement to a professional partnership, such a moderation soon a sham. The main activists of the NB have a very radical history, they also carry with them literally in the form of all sorts of political symbols tattoos. But it is not just history, Note also the ideas, Mudde and Hubert today even for New Legal Sers controversial.

So Mudde is still leader of the band Brigade M, a band that not only in name (M originally stood for Mussert), but also in texts goes far beyond the pale. Thus, among others, the Dutch East Front Warriors sung in the song 50.000 Heroes. That cooperation is not a mistake, it can be concluded from the fact that the New Right-leader Michiel Smit the Barracks, the home of the National Movement, once visited during an information which includes the ideas of the NB were explained in detail. He can see exactly where the NB stands there. Farther from the site of the NB and from the texts of Muddes Brigade M is precisely to where these people stand: a bare Europe, reparation for the Eastern Front Warriors of the Waffen-SS and anarchy and activism rather than party politics.

In Flanders, the word for it shall be provided by Alain Quataert, Flemish Blokker who was previously spokesman for the action group “Nationalists against Globalization”. In the Netherlands, the spokesman said the 17-year-old Jan Visser Jitze Jong Right. We are wondering what is going to do with questions about his political soul brothers.