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Alliantie voor Vernieuwing en Democratie

The AVD splits in October 2002 van de LPF of. The big stumbling block for AVD'ers is the lack of participation and democracy within the LPF. Unlike Winny de Jong and her Conservatieven.nl however lacks the AVD a striking figurehead. Partly because the game will only get the publicity and no seat in the polls. The difference with the LPF for many potential members and voters unclear, or not important enough. Where Conservatieven.nl on a popular theme as the immigration restriction draws sharper than the mother party LPF, knows the AVD with its call for greater internal party democracy tempers do not whipping up. The AVD- views on security, integration and migration are not further spectacular different from that of the LPF.

On the recommendation of the AVD shine so especially former LPF'ers. The handtekeningzetters are largely unknown. Well, logically, there are a lot of ex-LPF'ers between. In three circles, the AVD not even attempt to make a list (Overijssel, Limburg and Rotterdam). In three other circles failed to surrender by insufficient local support (Drenthe, Nijmegen Zealand). This will in all probability reduce the probability of a chamber seat to zero. As one has any voice desperately needed to make even a small chance.

The constituency Zealand's Gerard Schimmelpennick (1947) making the failed attempt to get handed a list for the AVD. Schimmelpennick comes from the LPF in Zeeland and was there last year feud with his party. Here was overloaded with mud and Schimmelpenninck was denounced here for fascist and racist. He would be on 'quite a lot of points’ agree with Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front. Also, he would have called his opponent in Suriname LPF Zealand that she "black bitch’ had to finish.

But otherwise resemble the lists of the AVD to be exempted from right-wing extremists. At Least, until we get the list of the circle Den Bosch (East Brabant) see. Namely there are three ex-CD'ers between a gentleman and a much more colorful past.

G.F.J. Pennings (1946) en M.A. van Dalen (1950) from Helmond signed at the last elections even before the LPF. Now they draw both for the AVD. In 1998 they are both candidates for the CD Janmaat in municipal elections in their place of residence. They are not elected, however,.

His Kweens (John, 1955) from Beek en Donk runs were not born in the right political environment. He puts his partner now a signature for the AVD. Kweens guided from 1995 four-time candidate for the Centre Democrats (CD). He was twice the leader for the CD in municipal, in 1996 in Laarbeek and 1998 Helmond. In 1995 kandi he teed for the Board in Den Bosch and in 1998 for the parliamentary elections for Janmaat's party. In 1997 he was a member of the CD Group in the Provincial Council of North Brabant and also editor of the circle blade of the CD in Brabant. After the demise of the CD Hans Kweens pops up at the New National Party (NNP) and is a candidate for the elections in Breda 1999. He has had success in any of these elections. Last year, there surfaced a J. Kweens as a candidate of the provincial administration of the LPF in North Brabant. Perhaps this is also about him.

A colorful figure J.A.W.M.J. Kortmann (Kobus, 1936) uit Helmond. He has been more than 20 years at various clubs active. In 1975 ondertekend hij een felicitatielijst om de fascistische Vlaamse organisatie Were-Di met haar twintigjarige jubileum te feliciteren en is hij de voorzitter van de Club van 25. Deze club was een soort Raad van Toezicht van de Nederlandse Volksunie (NVU). Begin jaren tachtig was Kortmann lijsttrekker bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen van het christelijk-rechtse partijtje Samen Overleven of Sterven (SOS). In 1982 wordt hij de secretaris van de uiterst rechtse Conservatieve Volkspartij waarvoor hij dan ook de lijsttrekker in Helmond is. Twenty years later, in 2002, His name pops up suddenly at the Pim Fortuyn List. He supports the party in the general election and doing some futile throw to senior levels within the LPF. Kortmann was President-elect and also saw what a State Secretariat. Eventually he must content himself with a place in the provincial administration; In juli 2002 He is secretary of the association LPF- Brabant / Fortuyn Truly Brabant. Now he draws so also for the AVD.

It seems so strong that these four people were already active in the local LPF department and a large part of this section to the AVD have switched. All four would be their right-wing background yet to be known, among other previous publications on the website of Kafka. Apparently it does not prevent to remain active in this circle.

The AVD scores terms right extremists thus significantly lower than the Conservatieven.nl. The question has to be how the young party with these people in their ranks to go. Is there a place in the AVD for far-right figures or be shown the door? The answer to this question will say a lot about the character and course of the party. It moves along the right side of the political spectrum and as extremists than to play a role that can lead to divisions and tensions with the moderate forces.